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Monday, 16 February 2009

The Battle of Brunanburh ...

I hope everybody had a nice weekend despite to weather.

Well over the weekend I've been writing a page for the website on the Battle of Brunanburh which legend has it is supposed to have taken place in Thornton around 937AD (nothing to do with Talbot Square on a Saturday night !) I've found it quite hard going to make all the facts and dates into something that won't make your eyes roll back in your head so I hope it isn't too heavy going. I think it's because I don't quite buy this one .. it just doesn't seem quite right to me but I hope I am proved wrong someday.

Now Portus Setantiorum I think is definately ours and I have my own theory on that one which I'm keeping to myself. Come the warmer weather, and a stout pair of shoes, I'm off to investigate. I'm not sure exactly sure what I am looking for but dilusional enough to think I will know it when I see it !

Just to warn you there are e-mails doing the rounds about Osama Bin Laden which contain a virus. Don't click .. just Bin (excuse the lame pun).



  1. Melanie,

    March your stout walking boots up Bourne Hill this summer. Retreating Norsemen or seafaring Romano/Celts...one way or the other we intend to find out.

  2. I would love to but I suffer from arthriticals and can't stand for too long, or bend, or kneel .. in fact I think it's a trip to the vets for the dreaded needle for me.

    I am however a woman and great at standing by an giving orders if that helps !!

  3. By the way am getting a bit obsessed with Burn Hall and it's downfall at the moment.

    If the building was listed does that mean that the land it stood on and it's foundations are still listed? I can't believe that they have built that whole new site and not found anything archealogical.

    Think I might send a letter to the planning department to see if anything is on the cards. Complaining is my hobby!

  4. Melanie,

    I saw the original plans for the new road that cuts across the Bourne Hall land and it's nowhere near where it was supposed to be. Oxford Archaeology North excavated the land within the limits of the 'projected' road and found nowt of any interest (apparently)...so, so much for that.

    Bourne Hill is destined to be a graveyard within four to seven years, so we're going to have move quickly on this one. And I believe there's a planning application for a Health Centre or something on the plot of land just south west of the new roundabout (where Bourne Hall's orchard used to be).

    It's all very frustrating, but typical I'm afraid.

    Incidentally, if you want to watch the dig, you can borrow my site manager's chair. I just wander round giving orders and eating butties and stuff, because I've got arthritus too. (At least, that's what I tell 'em.)

  5. Make that 'south east' of the new roundabout...south west'd be on our bit of the hill.

  6. The new health centre was to go on what is the Football field and Club House by South Gate. A new Club House is to be built on land by the Burnaze Hotel.planning consent has been given to Morris Homes for 150 house in that area there was a presentation a few months ago. Incidentally it is said that South Gate is to close and entrance to the NPL site will be by the new Waste Site rounabout it will ber a one way system.

  7. Thanks for that James.

    Well at least nothing is being built on the actual site for now. Have sent off an e-mail to Wyre Planing to see what plans there are for the land.

    Gosh and just what Thornton needs more homes! The land can't cope with all the new houses being built. There'll be another piece in the Gazette about how the roads are flooding next .. thats because there's nowhere for the water to soak into cause they keep building houses on it!

    Sorry .. that turned into a bit of a rant but when (not if) I win the lottery I am going to buy all the free land in Thornton and not let them build anymore.

    See .. I feel better now .. and breath.

  8. Brian

    I have my own chair, being a camper (as in tents), and will definately keep my eye out for you digging and come and see.

  9. Another 150 houses? No wonder they want our hill for a cemetary. What the authorities ought to do instead is put the cemetary where the houses are supposed to be going...and then hopefully resign.

  10. Thats not all according to the Local Plan the allocation for Wyre is 2,050 to be built within the next ten years in the Borough.With the exception of infill, all to be built west of the river Wyre, hopefully the economic down turn will put the"Carbosh" 0n it for a few years.
    Should push the M55 link a bit further up the prority Ladder.

  11. "...all to be built west of the river Wyre..."

    That, I suspect, is because most of the councillors live on the east. So much for the population drift to the south that the BBC news is always on about.
