We have Moved


Please visit the Thornton Through Time Forum for up to date information.

Thursday, 30 July 2009

The Knife and Dagger ...

I still haven't managed to find anything out about the old pub featured in the Sunday Quiz. It's beginning to look like it was only a pub from c1900 to 1940/5. On the Land Registry document it shows a change to the deeds on 31st December 1940 so perhaps this was when it changed. Andy is hot on the heels and is going to do some more digging to see if he can come up with an answer. I've found a doc listed at the Records Office which lists all the licencees in Amounderness from 1896-1958 so maybe that will be able to throw up some more details. It seems strange that they built it and then it went out of use so quickly though. I know there was another pub at Burn Naze but in those days there were enough people to fill them. I have got my heart set on it being some kind of intrigue with smugglers and murderers (that's what too much tv does to you) .. so hope it didn't just fizzle out.

I've added some more Baines photo's onto the site. Now your eye's don't decieve you .. the 1965 and 1966 pages show the same photo but as it said on the back 1965/66 I put it in both. I'll have the remaining ones up by Sunday.

Now it's been over a month now since Brian from Wyre Archaeology parted company with BT and still no news! Am beginning to think he has done a Lord Lucan. It's strange how his pessimistic sarcasm is missed ;-) I think in the time it's taking he could have set up his own broadband company and floated it on the stock market. I get twitchy if my internet is down for 24 hours!

Just for Fun
Anyone fancy a Stroll ?


Tuesday, 28 July 2009

The Sunday Quiz ...

Evening All ... Sorry for the late post but have been doing some digging since I started typing this.

I've finally managed to sort through the photo's of Baines Endowed and have put some on the site here. I've got some more ready to go on for Thursday .. I can't put them all on at once or I'll run out of material! I've noted the photo's which have names written on the back but am not going to list them on the site as not everyone wants their name splashed on the internet. Us ladies are well know for knocking the years off so don't want to 'out' anyone :-) If anyone recognises themselves and wouldn't mind me putting their name on then let me know. I still haven't heard back on the other copyright but don't want to pester anyone as am still hoping.

Now for the Quiz ...

Where in Thornton Am I? ... and the Answer is

The Gym building at Burn Naze .. near BEK Motors

(Now I know it's the same picture but I forgot to take the full photo)

In 1st place ... John
In 2nd place ... Mike
In 3rd place ... Brenda
In 4th place ... Andy

As some of you may or may not know this building was originally a pub (or so I'm told) and a bit of a mystery. It was built some time between 1892 and 1912 but most likely to be 1900. I have checked the Land Registry and there is a conveyance of land between Alfred Nuttall and Thomas Tattersall on 26.10.1899. The name which has been suggested on Brians Forum is the 'Knife and Dagger' .. not a family pub then! It was also mentioned by Andy in an email recently as the 'Hand and Dagger'. Apart from that nothing is known which is surprising as it isn't that old. You would think there would be a photo or somebody would remember it. I don't even know when it stopped being a pub. I do remember my Dad saying that when he first started working for Fleet Builders as a youngish man that they were based there and in the same document from above it lists Fleet Builders in 1968.

Am off to raid Phil's Rossall Beach Site to see if there are any pics on there that can shed some light on it.


Sunday, 26 July 2009

Thornton Photos .. it's complicated

I've now finished scanning in the photo's of Baines Endowed or I should say photographing them. Some of the pictures haven't scanned very well so ended up taking pictures of them which were clearer. The only problem with this was that the pics turned out black and white so have had to edit them individually to tint them back to sepia to keep the original look.

I'm still looking into the copyright but to honest it's not looking good. Copyright on photo's lasts for 70 years from the death of the photographer or the publication date. I still haven't heard back from the Evening Gazette and have sent a letter off today to the other company whose name is on the majority of the albums. If they refuse to allow me to reproduce them then as I understand it I can't pass them on in any way .. even by email which is a crying shame. I was hoping if I couldn't put them on the site that I could put a list up and people could contact me and then I could send pictures to them. Fingers crossed they will both come back and give the go ahead. It would be criminal for me to have all these lovely class photo's with many having all the names written on the back and not be able to share them. I will let you know as soon as I hear anything.

The good news is that a few of the pics have no copyright on the back and I will try and get them on before Thursday.

Now for the Quiz ...

Where in Thornton Am I?

Click photo to enlarge

Answers here as usual folks


Thursday, 23 July 2009

Baines Endowed and Copyright ...

I'm still scanning in the school photo's from Baines Endowed but unfortunately I'm not sure how many of them I am going to be able to post. The copyright on photo's lasts for 70 years from the death of the photographer which pretty much rules out most of the pics 1940 onwards.

Half of the photo's are copyright to the Gazette and after initially contacting them they have said they will not give permission. I have now sent an email to the editor to see if there is any way round it. The other half are copyright to a company in Blackpool who just produce school photo's and are still going so it's not looking good.

Even if I can't post the actual images I will put a list on the website of the photo's I have and if anyone wants a copy for personal use then I can email it. The restrictions would mean that they couldn't be published anywhere but at least it would help if someone was looking for a specific photo.

The copyright of items is a complete nightmare and I could understand if I was wanting to sell them but I can't see the problem with my just putting them on a local history site. Hopefully the Gazette will come back and giver their permission and I can at least put some on.

I've added some more pics to the Marsh Farm Memory .. in part 3 there is a link at the bottom to some additional photo's.

I'm doing an online backup of my pc at the moment as I have so many files that I would be devasted to lose. It looks like it's going to take a long long time .. almost a month! but it can run in the background. It just means things might be a bit slow when I'm using the pc so please bear with me.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

The Sunday Quiz ...

I'm still scanning pictures in but have come up against a bit of a copyright issue. Hopefully I will know by Thursday and will be able to update you a bit more.

Bit of a short one as am puppy sitting tonight and it's like Fred Carno's circus in here. I'm only used to 14 year old Tinka now!

Now for the Quiz ...

Where in Thornton Am I? ... and the answer is ...

Baines Endowed School

In 1st place .. Mike
In 2nd place .. James
In 3rd place .. Brenda
In 4th place .. Andy


Sunday, 19 July 2009

Scanning ...

I hope you have all had a good weekend whatever you may have been doing. Well the weather came good for our bbq on Saturday. They always say the sun shines on the righteous and they must have been having a barbie in the same street as us :-D

I haven't got much more news to report as am scanning pics in like mad at the moment. I'm adding them to the other site so have got nothing to show for my efforts as yet. Will have some more on the main site by Thursday so will be able to report more then.

There is a nice new shop opening in Thornton opposite Senior's chippy called The Little House of Cup Cakes. It's nothing to do with me although I look like a girl who likes her cakes (blush) and am hoping that Russ might treat me to something if he reads this :-) I'm also pleased that a) it isn't a takeaway and b) is something a bit individual from a local girl.

Now for the Quiz ...

Where in Thornton Am I?

Answers here as usual folks


Thursday, 16 July 2009

Marsh House Farm ...

Well I think that normal service can now be resumed after my break.

I posted a piece in the memory section about a gentleman growing up on Marsh Farm a while ago. His daughter has been up from down south and has called round and left a big pile of old photos for me to scan. The majority of them are class photos of Baines Endowed School during the 1950's which I am going to link to from the Document Website when I manage to get them scanned in. I know they are not really old photo's but am grateful for any photo's to make the site better.

I also have some old photo's of Marsh Farm itself which are great as they are ones I haven't seen before and they really bring the story to life. I've started to add them on the site but am having to do a bit of reshuffling because I can only fit so much on each page so am having to take it from a 2 part story to a 3 part. It's all a bit higgeldy piggeldy at the moment but I've managed to get 2 on at the moment here.

I have to be careful as I've mentioned before I can only have 250 pictures on the site in total and when I post a pic in the gallery the small 'index' picture counts as 1 and also the larger picture inside so I am using them up faster than I would like. I will try an post as many as I can across in the gallery as well. I'll keep you updated.


Tuesday, 14 July 2009

The Sunday Quiz ...

Evening all. Looks like we might be getting some more thunder tonight by the looks of all those dark clouds out of the window.

I've had an e-mail today about the Last Orders Pub which is interesting. It's recently been purchased by Amber Pubs and when it is reopened it is going to be called The Sandyforth. I think that's great and as the emailer said it will come full circle back to it's (almost) original name which was of course Sandyforth Bank.. I really like that. It re-opens on July 31st.

Now for the Quiz ...

Where in Thornton Am I ? ... and the answer is ...

Somerfield in Thornton Centre and the windmill used to be just inside the doors of the old precinct. To quote James I think you all should go to specsavers this week. LOL.

In 1st and only place .. Mike


Sunday, 12 July 2009

I might just possibly be back ...

I am just about done with go buzz now and can get back to Thornton Through Time. I should be back to posting normally on Thursday and I have been kindly given a big pile of old photos so I'm going to leave you in suspense till then (don't get too excited!).

Now for the Quiz

Where in Thornton Am I ? ...

Answers here as usual folks.

Or use TTT contact page.


Wednesday, 8 July 2009

The Sunday Quiz ...

Woo hoo .. gone from page 5 to page 1 with go buzz.

Now for the Quiz

The answer to this weeks quiz is ...

The gate post at the Illawalla.

It actually says the name on the post so that is what I removed or it would have been a bit too easy me thinks ;-)

In 1st place .. Andy

In 2nd place .. Brenda


Sunday, 5 July 2009

It's Oh So Quiet ...

Things are going to be a bit quiet on the blog and site at the moment. As some of you will know I run 2 sites and on the Go buzz site I have just affiliated with Ticketmaster to sell tickets online. I am working long hours trying to get all the information on but it's taking a long time.

I love the history of Thornton and the Thornton Through Time site but at the moment I am having to spend my time on the site which is going to make me money. I should have finished in a week of two and then things will be back to normal and I can make my trip to the Records Office which I am itching to do. I will still be doing the Sunday Quiz and putting bits and bobs on where I can. So please keep popping back as I don't want to lose anyone.

Now for the Quiz

Where in Thornton Am I ?...

* I have removed something from the picture

Answers here as usual folks

Just for Fun ...

For those of us of a certain age (You Tube - Sound On!)


Thursday, 2 July 2009

If you can't stand the Heat ...

Well tonight I don't actually have anything new to add to the site as I am being slowly boiled .. from the inside!! Each day I am wearing less and less to keep cool and am starting to alarm small children now :-D

I usually make a trip at least to the library once a week to dig up something of interest for the site but It's just too dang hot to go and look. I was also hoping to go the Records Office this week .. apply excuse above. My recent purchase of a genuine leather-effect computer chair (I'm posh me) is now not looking so great. I won't alarm you with the unpleasant side effects of sitting in it as it's nearly tea time. Lets just say I haven't been on the computer much this week.

I know we always complain about the weather but I just wish it would cool down in the evening so I could get something done. I've just been accepted to offer Ticketmaster tickets through the Go buzz website which is great but I haven't even been able to get that set up yet either. Fortunately it is forecast to rain all day Friday and Saturday and the temperature is supposed to drop drastically .. I hope they are right this time.

I remember the summer of 1977 and the heatwave. We used to spend all summer camping at a farm in the Lakes and spent most of the summer in the nuds splashing around in a pond there. If you hear on the news tonight about someone being arrested in the Towers .. it might just be me :-O